This week our study group read and discussed Matthew, Chapter 13. We decided to try to apply two concepts: the parable of the Tares among the Wheat in verse 24 and faith like the Mustard Seed in verse 31.The parable in verse 24 said to allow the tares or weeds to grow with the wheat until the harvest, to avoid pulling the wheat with the weeds. This could mean to allow the dissenters or trouble makers to work with the group instead of weeding them out because the good people could be weeded out, too. At the end of the project or situation, it would be obvious who is who and the good will be kept and the trouble makers let go.
Verse 31 says if our faith is like the mustard seed, the smallest seed that grows into a large bush or tree, we can grow spiritually.
To apply this, we thought that if we can recognize the dissenters or trouble makers, we need not weed them out; we can let them be. If we have faith only the size of the mustard seed, and give the solution to God, Jesus or whoever your Higher Power is, at the end of the situation, the good will prosper and the "weeds" bundled and discarded.
The habit we are building is to put our faith or trust to our Higher Power.
The chapter is interesting in that it says the harvest is "at the end of the age," so it may take a long time.
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