Astrology Tip of the Day

Astrology tip of the day is an exercise in applying qualities based on astrology to help you through your day. These are general suggestions based on the planets in the sky. To have your very own predictions for the day, month or year, contact Patty who is available for your reading.

The week of December 5 through December 12:

Dec 5: New Moon today in the sign of Sagittarius. Be adventurous – but not too risky – in your duties.

Dec 6: Accept interruptions as a good change of pace until early evening. Moon goes into Capricorn early evening.

Dec 7: Express your creative ideas and offer to cooperate with the established way of doing things.

Dec 8: Express love and cooperation within needed change.

Dec 9: Moon goes into Aquarius: give others freedom of expression.

Dec 10: Freedom, originality and group harmony are in the stars today.

Dec 11: Moon goes into Pisces. Express creativity and compassion within the established way of doing things.

Dec 12: Take the opportunity to express understanding.