Nov 27, 2010

Mercury goes retrograde Dec. 10

Mercury goes retrograde Dec 10

So you are forewarned, the planet Mercury will go retrograde on December 10 at 08:05 Eastern Time. He will go direct on December 30 at 03:21 Eastern Time.

He goes retrograde in the sign of Capricorn and backs into the sign of Sagittarius. This means practical work and career communications and papers can go awry. Now is the time for you to double-check your job applications to make sure they are accurate. If you had applied for a job that did not work out re-apply until December 17 and you may get that job. When Mercury backs into Sagittarius on December 18 you will want to double-check all travel plans for accuracy. Personally, I would not make travel plans until after December 30 if you can possibly do this. If you are traveling, double-check every detail every day to avoid arriving somewhere and the times were changed.

For those of you with a retrograde Mercury in your horoscope, this is a good time for you to communicate and make plans but please remember that others are operating under the retrograde. You may want to help others now because your communication is in sync with Mercury, the planet of communication.

If you want to have your retrograde Mercury story published, please contact Patty.

To have your personal interpretation of the three-week Mercury retrograde time, please contact Patty. has good books with stories about Mercury retrograde.

Oct 26, 2010

Saturn -- a personal story

Saturn is the planet of responsibility, duties, durability, older people, truth, fears, supposed limitation, endings or beginnings and sometimes physical death. Edgar Cayce called Saturn the planet of change. Many fear the transist of Saturn over their natal or birth planets. Our story is of  two personal transits of Saturn so you can learn it is not all terrible. Please bear with me, the astrology talk will not be a lot. Astrologese is the last paragraph.

There are several ways a traveling planet relates to your birth planets: an urge to do something, an opportunity, a challenging situation, a need to adjust, a relationship focus and when rewards come to you for deeds well done. Saturn acts in all these ways, in addition to the feared challenges and letting go. Not all letting go is bad, either. It is only when we resist our soul urges that we have difficulty or strife. Saturn repeats its relationship to your birth planets every 29-1/2 years, so it is possible to have an idea of what may happen if you are old enough to have experienced a previous Saturn transit.

Saturn is now traveling through the astrological sign of Libra, one of his favorite signs. In my chart, he is traveling through the area of friends and love received. The past ten days, three of my friends died, thereby ending their long sieges with illness.

In September of 2010, Saturn had an opportunity relationship with my love planet. Opportunities must be accepted or they go away and you do not notice the potential good. A past love had come into my life and during this time he offered me an opportunity to be with him. I accepted, hopefully beginning a long-lasting love relationship. If I had turned down his offer, what would have happened? Probably nothing and he may have thought I was not interested and not contact me again, resulting in a wasted opportunity.

Another situation happened this October. A long-time friend had died several months back. (not one of the three mentioned above). Traveling Saturn was in a challenging relationship with the planet of action, men and potential strife. This particular challenge was asking me to let go. A group of us met at the home of our deceased friend to dispose of the contents of the home, coordinating with the executor. For me, the challenge was the realization that this was the final letting go of her. Even though the day could have been diffiuclt, everybody helped each other and the day was pleasant and harmonious. Instead of strife, we all worked together to let go. Saturn and the planet of action operating together also indicate the day is full of physical work, and that it was. We walked up and down three flights of stairs numerous times, packed things, unbolted things and took home what we considered treasures of our friend. Instead of sorrow, we experienced happiness being with each other, with our mutual friend as the glue. People from out of town were there, and stories about the families involved were told, to the edification of all. It was a most pleasant day.

Astrologese: Transiting Saturn was in sextile to my natal Venus in September, and in square to my natal Mars in October. The Saturn return, square to itself and opposition need not be feared. If you understand that Saturn asks you to be responsible, do your duty and hang in there, and you are honest with others, it need not be unpleasant, although you could be working hard or letting go.

For your personal interpretation of Saturn in  your chart, contact Grace.

Oct 21, 2010

Full Moon Oct 22

The full moon is Friday, October 22. If you look up in the sky, it is beautiful. The planet Jupiter is close enough to be seen as a bright star close to the moon. The Moon is in the sign of Aries opposite the Sun in the sign of Libra. (for you astrology buffs, the degree is 29.) This means the signs of Cancer and Capricorn can be involved in the crisis. This time the challenge is in leadership and competition. You know that the full moon stimulates bizarre behavior and crisis in the emergency room and with the police. This full moon indicates guns, fires, injuries to the head and possibly partnership violence. On a more gentle note, the crisis can be with partnerships, with one person wanting to go it alone, touching off arguments with the one who prefers being together. In your workplace and dealing with groups, there could be challenging or testy leadership issues. The leaders could each be going their own ways, nobody paying attention to the other, resulting in confusion. Since these are leadership situations, there can be impulsive, explosive reactions to what otherwise would be minor irritants. Stay out of the way, tomorrow will be better.

The positive side of this is that if there is an emergency, the leadership signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn rise to the challenge and act quickly to begin whatever needs to be done. Expect them to be barking orders, which will be necessary. The stable signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius (believe it or not!) can execute the orders and stabilize the situation. The communicator signs of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces can communicate the orders and progress back and forth to make sure everyone is understood.

An emergency room nurse told me recently that the hospital has stopped scheduling surgeries during the full moon because it gets crazy in the ER and they need all the doctors there.

Enjoy the high energy and be sure to look up at the beautiful moon. When I look up from my back yard, the moon has a beautiful halo around it.